10 things Humanity still can’t make up its Mind about

We live in a world with billions of people, each with different likes, dislikes and opinions. So naturally it only makes sense there would be variations as to what right or wrong...

10 Things You Can Only Do Once in Life

For so many centuries we humans have been privileged with the opportunity to live the most unique and interesting lives. We were given five senses, several vital organs and limbs. And through...

10 Guys girls should avoid

It’s arguable that most women seek to either settle down with or marry a man at some point. For those women who are serious about the whole affair, dating can often become quite frustrating....

Barber-Q becomes an Engineer

Years ago I had the opportunity to interview Mr. Quintin Feveck for an article written for Sweet TnT Magazine. At the time he had been studying Civil Engineering full time at the University of the...

Should women give “it” up?

Nowadays there seems to be some very interesting perceptions about what should or should not be done between couples before marriage. These same people believe they know the truth about the whole...

Make way for Sweedie Pie

She was once known as the girl who made some really creative fruit bouquets. Nowadays she’s easier recognized as the founder of Sweedie Pie Bakery. Antoinette Daniella Dalton (commonly called Daniella) now...

Chad Wilson Takes the Perfect Shot

*Written August, 2014 Since the advent of cameras almost 200 years ago more and more people have consistently gotten used to the idea of “taking a picture”. Today, taking...

Stop being a Shopaholic!

You know who you are. You either got banks and collection agencies phoning you ten times a day, too many gadgets in your house that you have no clue what to do...

How to Restore Family Values

“Johhny, can you please take out the trash?” Child snarls. “I’m six. Do I look like the freakin’ maid?” Mother becomes enraged. “I’m your mother. And I demand that you take out...

How to spot a Delilah

Many people know what a Delilah is from reading the story of Samson and Delilah in the Bible. This is the woman who helped chop off a Hercules-like man’s hair, causing him...

How to tell your Wife her Cooking Sucks

You’ve just come home from a tough day of work; your tummy starts making funny noises the moment you enter your house. It’s as though your belly is singing ring-a-ring-a-roses while humming...

Why Women Hate Men

The word “hate” probably exists in every English dictionary and is quite useful for expressing disgust at anything vile. However, “hate” is often accused of being two-sided. An American child might express...

Who Pays on the First Date

There was once a time when it had been taboo for a man to not show nobility to a woman. For instance, if a man didn’t stand in front of a door...

The Secret to Education

Many people claim that education has significantly grown over the past fifty years. Contrastingly, a universal trend has long been on the rise; it stealthily limits what can be done with the...

Rum chow for Feters to enjoy

*Written February, 2016 Trinbagonians are naturally so creative that they tend to go out of their way to make chow with almost any fruit imaginable. They make guava chow, pomerac chow, pineapple chow, portugal chow...

Winta in Trinidad

*Written August, 2015 Her name is Winta Ghidei and she was born and raised in the country of Eritrea, and if you are one of the few who know of Eritrea then it would be...

A for Apple and C for Sex

Be a good little boy or girl and we’ll let you have sex, conjugal sex—that is, if you’re not already having it with your cellmates. Either way, “we” believe that conjugal sex...

School in the Clouds

Envision a school where all students always put their best foot forward; envision a school where there is always peace among peers. All the teachers always smile and spend all their time...

The True Value of Money

Imagine a scenario where you check your bank account balance before bed and see you have $1, 545, 763.32.” You smile peacefully then head off to dreamland, quite proud of your decades...

The Man-boy Paradox

This article is not going to be another one about bashing men who refuse to grow up. On the contrary, it's one about the typical man who has long grown up, yet...

10 Girls guys should avoid

Ok, so maybe the average guy just wants to get with the girl that looks hot, talks dirty, and is willing to rip off her clothes faster than you can say Tori...

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