Jay Shetty made so many inspirational and motivational videos over a very small number of years; he easily created the impression that he had been in the limelight decades. Young, attractive, well spoken and articulate, Shetty meets many requirements for one to potentially obtain quick and easy international success. But ultimately it was his desire to make something of himself and stickler for improving lives that launched him into stardom. Now Jay Shetty is indeed a modern king of inspiration.

How Jay Shetty inspires the world

I see Jay Shetty as a role model because it is irrelevant whether or not his backstory about having been a monk is true. Heck, it does not even matter if he is genuine or not. What matters is he capitalized on goodwill and the trends of the Internet to inspire millions of people worldwide.

At one point, I could not log in to my Facebook account without seeing a video from Shetty. And you know what? I did not mind it one bit. His videos are real, touching three dimensional and really can connect and motivate you to be a better person.

Some may find Shetty’s approach too staged or “fake”. But my defense to this is so too are most of today’s reality shows, yet people still tune in. At least this guy promotes positivity, self development and compassion—things truly worthy of respect.


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