I’ve had the unfortunate experience witnessing human behavior at its worst on numerous occasions. But one thing I cannot stand is seeing another human being treat someone like trash solely based on their perception of what that person is worth. Many people are guilty of disrespecting others more than they may realize. But little do they know why it’s important to respect what’s beneath you.

Who’s worthy of Respect?

The automatic disrespect of another human being comes in many forms. It could be as simple as looking down on someone because they make less money than you. It could be a manager treating her assistant as though he’s nothing more than a coffee boy. Or it could be the way a man treats another in the name of capitalism.

Like a dog, such people would have no qualms about kicking others while they’re down; they would do so simply because they believe they are not worthy of their respect.

Should Respect be earned?

Now many people truly believe in the statement that respect should be earned; yet they don’t consider that if it has to be earned they why do they feel as though by default they have already earned theirs? It’s because they’re usually filled with pride and believe that they’ve been there and done that; they believe that their experience or hard work has long taught them all.

In their feeble minds, what they don’t respect cannot offer them anything of value because they are not on their level. Such people often forget that pride goes before a fall and that no matter how tall you stand one day in some way you will fall. They also seem to forget that humility can be more respectable than pride. And pride is often the only thing that can help you quickly recover from a fall.

Keep an open mind

It does not matter how wealthy, experienced or qualified you are. At any point in time anyone can learn something new from anyone once they remain open-minded enough. You are no more respectable than a child who is trying to teach you something than your pride refuses to let you learn.

And you certainty don’t automatically earn or deserve respect in every situation because of the things things you may have done twenty years ago. In actuality, you are only as respectable as who you are in the present and the things you do to show respect to EVERYONE with each passing day.

Respect reality

Understand that this life is not exactly fair. Everyone does not start off on the same level with the same opportunities. Despite all those legendary rags to riches stories you have heard about people finding colossal success, it is not always as easy for everyone.

Surely you can train your mind to remain focus during tough situations; and you focus on remaining committed to your work and your beliefs. But the hard truth is that even if everyone does all of those things there is still not guarantee; not everyone will become as successful in all the same things. This does not make people lesser than you are or more important. It is also not about making excuses for weak behavior.

You don’t know their past … or their future

If you’re never convinced that at times you could be unfairly biased against someone who you subliminally feel is of lesser value to you, try observing how you react to a little, baby girl who smiles the moment you see her. Chances are you will smile too. Consider that the person you may look down upon was once just like that little, baby girl (or boy).

There are reasons, which are really none of your concern, why a person may be in a particular position in life. Regardless, you should not judge them based on where they are now. Because one day when you least expect the future will change and they may easily find themselves in a position to judge you more than you ever imagined.


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