It’s sad to say that many people nowadays are rather dumb. But it’s the truth. An abundance of options are readily available for people to educate and elevate themselves yet some just willingly prefer to remain stupid. As if none of the above isn’t dumb enough, it’s even worse knowing that the stupid can become even more stupid. And there are some pretty good reasons that people may take for granted that ultimately causes increased stupidity. Below are 10 ways that can lead anyone to be more stupid.

#10. Spend more than you earn

This would seem like obvious common sense. However, it has long been more common for so many people to live paycheck to paycheck even when they don’t have to. There’s a difference between someone struggling to make it in life versus someone who chooses to struggle.

Some people have their own place, have a good job, no children, no student or medical loans, yet each month they are more broke. “I can’t wait to get paid,” they say. Yet, the moment they get paid they go buy the latest gadget, designer clothes and new Rolex. Oftentimes, these same people look down on others and judge them based on what they don’t have. They think that these people are stupid.

What’s more “stupid” is that the same people they look down on may easily have more spending power than they do at any point; those people may not have as much material possessions as the over-spenders, but give it time. Once the underdogs continue to save and invest while the spenders continue to impress, at some point the tables turn. By then, the spenders would likely be in debt because they invested more in liabilities than assets. And those who saved for the rainy days would no longer need umbrellas, so to speak. At that point, it becomes clearer which person was more stupid.

#9. Have sex with anything that moves

In this rather liberal age where sex is often seen as something that you just do, a lot of people have gotten many things twisted. To many, sex is no longer seen as anything sacred. If you like someone, many believe that you should just screw them. No questions ask. Forget the STDs, forget who gets hurt. Just screw! Matter of fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s a human, dog or a roll of toilet paper, you have every right to express your independence and just screw. Now, how stupid is this?

Who cares if it’s stupid? It’s fun, right? Well, lots of things seem to be fun at the beginning. But sooner or later the fun comes to an end. Even if you happen to dodge all of the STDs on the planet after 20 years of screwing, there are still things like unplanned childbirth and heartbreak you may very well encounter. If neither of these convince you to stop having pointless sex, just wait until “that day” arrives. You’ll feel noting but emptiness. And you will wonder why you were so stupid to have wasted so many years living a meaningless life.

#8. Drink until you can’t drink “no more”

When you drink too much alcohol you probably would get drunk. When you you drink wayyyyyy too much alcohol you would almost certainly get stupid. So whats a chronic drinker to do?

Drinking is often seen as a habitual, cultural or social affair. As such, drunkenness constantly gets overlooked because it’s apparently supposed to be part of drinking; it’s almost as though getting drunk is something that should be expected in order for people to have a good time. Some even wear their drunken histories on their sleeves as though it’s a prestigious accomplishment. What it is, nonetheless, is people just trying to make excuses for their stupidity.

Drinking to get drunk makes no sense because it proves that you have no sense of control. You don’t set boundaries for yourself, could care less about your health and you’re all about the fun. Yeah, have all your fun till the day you drink too much then wake up naked while fastened to a train track. Only when you hear the whistle from the impending train approaching may you seriously consider that nothing good might come out of drinking till you get drunk! And if you think the latter isn’t true, then you too may just be stupid.

#7. Be really greedy

Greed comes in many forms. But what’s interesting about greed is that it can sometimes be viewed as good once one or more parties benefit from the act. Eating excess food till your stomach is overfull while leaving others hungry; taking all the credit for completing a team project at work; working hard so ONLY you and your family can benefit. These are all greed.

The reason being greedy is stupid is easy to pinpoint. You place all the focus on you and yours and on no one else. While this may habitually be the order of the world, the one thing people overlook is that at some point you will need help. No one is going to want to help a greedy cookie monster who thinks they’re the entire cast of Sesame Street; it gets worse once they confirm that you never care to share your food with anyone else. You may think being greedy is smart. But that’s only until you really need a helping hand and by then everyone else just thinks you’re stupid.

#6. Have no friends

Imagine yourself to be this kick-ass soldier who is a loner and doesn’t need help from anyone. You fight all your battles; you defeat your foes; and you become an adult who is completely independent.

Then one day a group of enemies decide to ambush you all at once. Their names are loneliness, depression, hardship and suicide. Of course, having no friends would not necessarily cause anyone to die. But no one can deny that humans weren’t designed to communicate with others at some point. Even if you can physically handle life on your own, mentally it would always make sense to have friends. If you believe otherwise, then you’re S.T.U.P.I.D. Yes, just stupid.

#5. Treat everyone like crap

This one is a classic. In a way it’s like an escalation of the former point. What’s worse than having no friends? Treating everyone you meet like crap! That waitress at your favorite restaurant? Yes, spill water on her blouse because she should have paid more attention in school and got a better job. Your co-worker made an error on a team project? Send an email to all managers and directors highlighting his mistake because he should have been paying more attention. And that strange man who told you good morning at the side of street? Just ignore him as though he’s a peasant.

The above behavior is highly dangerous because in this life what goes around comes around. Most times people never stay at the same place as the years go by. They can move up or down and many can more easily move to higher places in life faster than you may consider. If you habitually treat everyone like crap, you will feel really stupid the day someone you once looked down on can easily look down on you.

#4. Stop learning after school

Another big one! For ages, it’s been said that school should generally be the foundation for your education. In other words, what you learn in school should never define you; it should only help shape you.

Too many people focus on getting good grades in school, passing examinations and becoming licensed for their respective professions. This is all good. But if you can’t get past the fact that what you learnt years ago doesn’t necessarily mean you’re smart in today’s society, then chances are you’re stupid.

With the world changing and progressing at a rapid pace, continuous learning is now needed more than ever. No longer is it a sure thing to just finish school and be set for the rest of your life. If this is ever your plan, when you graduate you might as well just step to the front of the classroom. Because everyone may just want to take a good few pictures of the school’s biggest fool.

#3. Care too much about your 9-5

Most people need a 9-5 job to secure a living. There’s no question about it. However, due to this need (or the feeling of need) many become obsessed with having a job. In the end, they end up doing anything in their power to keep it. And to some people, doing anything in their power, would include lie, cheat, steal and kill.

While it’s sometimes good to feel that you gotta do what you gotta do to survive, it’s sometimes better to contemplate otherwise. You survived at one point before you had a job and you can survive afterwards.

By doing ANYTHING to keep a job, you essentially assign your entire life to it. If your job is all you care about, you risk sacrificing all of your time, health, friends, family, relationships and even your life. There’s more to life than how successful you at your job and how much money you make to provide. And with the many alternatives available today to generate income without needing a 9-5, only a fool would think that having a “regular job” is the only thing worth caring much about.

#2. Only save for a rainy day

There’s a saying that poor people save and rich people invest. The statement often irritates “poor people” because their first response is usually that rich people have the money to invest. It may sound harsh but this right here is stupid thinking.

Yes, surely several people invest and become rich only because they inherited large sums of assets and quickly put them to good use. Nevertheless, many also started from the ground up and made fortunes on their own. What makes the latter people smart is that they learn how to generate assets and reduce liabilities from as early as possible. And they find ways to do so despite their present circumstances in life.

Not even having a job, children, a mortgage and a mountain of bills can hold some people back from finding endless ways to to invest. Because they know that investing in assets is the only way they can come out of the “just saving mindset” and make something of themselves.

Consider that in a game of football you only win the game if you score goals at some point. No amount of saving will lead you to victory because you need to go on the offense at some point. If you don’t treat life the same way you may eventually begin wondering why you always end up on the losing end.

#1. Live without humility

It’s natural for some people to begin to feel amazing after they’ve become successful in life. However, some take this feeling to another level. They begin to “forget where they came from” and all of a sudden they start singing songs that they’ve outgrown the people and things that used to fulfill them.

Of course as we age and mature in life, we would eventually let go of parts of our past. But we should never forget those pasts that helped shape us into the person that we presently are. The moment you start thinking that you’re God’s gift to the earth and you’re on top the world is the moment stupidity begins infecting your brain.

Whatever your primary reason for living, that’s your choice. You can choose to live for God (as I and some do), for the universe (as others do) or you may choose to live for yourself or those you care about. But don’t ever become so stupid that you ever start thinking that you are where you are today all because of yourself.



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