Nubuo Uematsu is a name I didn’t know I needed to know till at least a decade had passed of his work consistently motivating me. For those who know him, the man needs no introduction. For those who don’t, he has been the composer of the majority of Final Fantasy soundtracks since the series’ inception. And Final Fantasy has been around since the 80s; yes, that’s a lot of years! For this reason, Nubuo Uematsu has become my go-to Motivator

Nubuo is a musical genius

There’s something remarkable to be said when the same dozen soundtracks from a single artist can sufficiently motivate you without fail for almost 20 years. This happens, regardless of the mood I am in most times. And his music seamlessly drives me into the most positive or peaceful mental states within minutes.

Perhaps it’s the nostalgia that stuck with me since first playing Final Fantasy 7 on Playstation back in the 90s; it could also be the fact that I’ve just gotten used to his music. Call it whatever you may. But it does not change the fact that Nubuo Uematsu’s music is so powerful. Even with hundreds of songs under his name it only one to convince you that he is a musical genius; I can go on and all about his long list of remarkable soundtracks. But this is the only one anyone may need to hear before giving the man the credit he deserves.

Mr. Uematsu is humble

I am also a big fan of Nubuo Uematsu because of the way he lives his life; he is an embodiment of humility and is known for consistently motivating others to follow their dreams. He’s also one of very nowadays who does not seem to find amusement in changing wives or women every few years; just ask his as college sweetheart, who he’s been married to, for almost 40 years.

Respect also goes out to Mr. Uematsu for wanting to be a professional wrestler growing up. And this was his dream back then while having an English Degree. What he ultimately ending up doing instead is becoming one of best musicians on the planet. And it all started through a part time gig that he originally thought would go nowhere. Talk about embracing possibilities!

Nubuo Uematsu and his beautiful work will continue to live on in the minds and hearts of many worldwide for generations to come.


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