Okay, so it’s quite a bold statement to make that a certain category of women might be better than another. After all, there are so many other categories including those who may not believe in God or religion. So let’s narrow things down a bit. For the purpose of this article, (considering that Christianity is the world’s largest religion), we’ll pretend that there is only one religion. While pretending, we’ll also imagine that everyone else on the planet are either atheists or at least believe in something spiritual. With the above in play, we’ll then evaluate why christian women might be better.

Here are some facts most people are aware of about life. What goes up eventually comes down. Everything alive will eventually die. And everything you do in this world will eventually be surpassed by someone else. Now look at life from a more micro perspective.

You go to school, you get good grades, you get a certificate. You go to work, you do good work, you get paid. Or you meet a nice girl, you treat her well, you don’t get cheated on … well, hopefully. At first, it may not seem like any of the above has any direct correlation with women or Christianity. But that’s exactly why making an extra effort to understand what is really being said is so important.

Is this the Christian woman?

There are endless reasons why things work the way they do in all of the above scenarios. You only need to think deeply enough and you will surely find your answers. Quintessentially, it can all be summed up in three words: limitations, structure and purpose. Those may not be the most exhilarating words but they are very logical.

The bottom-line is that when all of the latter are properly understood and followed, the result is the acceptance of reality as well as something good. Conversely, when these aren’t followed you get the reverse as end results: disappointment, confusion and unmet expectations; obviously these are bad. So where exactly do women fall into all of this?

What the average woman needs

It’s no secret that the average woman is more emotional than logical. There are exceptions to every rule. But laws aren’t generally put into place to cater for the exceptions. Like school, work and the universe, laws keep everything functioning and purposeful relative to positive end goals. You abide by these laws while working towards goals and you will likely prosper within a specific framework. You decide you’re going to do your own thing or create your own laws and it’s anyone’s guess what happens.

The reality is that women often need more (or something different) to keep them focused and grounded like men. Sure some women can work their way up the corporate ladder; and some can multitask and manage things better than many men but most have a very hard time denying self gratification. Prime examples are compulsive shopping, the desire to have children, being in a relationship, needing to cuss someone, comfort food and orgasmic sex.

Christians, women and sacrifice

Christianity is all about self-sacrifice. According to the teachings of the Bible, Jesus Christ died on the cross to save humanity from its uncontrollable sins; every human therefore gets a chance at salvation. That salvation can only be had by adhering to a particular set of laws. By properly grasping this concept it can be perceived that human beings are limited by their actions; they lack structure and they require something higher to give them purpose.

It can be argued that an understanding of limitations, structure and purpose can also be obtained by an atheist. it can also be obtained by someone who is spiritual (which is true). But history has proven that this is more the exception than the norm. For every Oprah Winfrey in the world there are one billion average joes.

Is this the reason Christian women are better?

Many do end up with purpose even without following Christianity (or religion) for that matter. But there are also different levels of purpose that can be achieved based on the limitations of each belief. Let’s say someone is overambitious and desires to become a rich and famous, disciplined humanitarian. This person also wants to not be a slave to their desires; and they want to so do while considering that life may be bigger than their physical present and own opinions.

Among Atheism, Spiritualism and Christianity, Christianity can easiest lead to that end result. Why? Because Atheism is limited by the belief that there is no life after death (or uncertainty); and Spirituality does not have a set framework. Spirituality is generally more about doing what you feel is right (which could indeed be right); however, with spirituality there may be no limitations to guide you if you’re wrong. A framework helps simplify things. Frameworks are also more likely to make women feel secure; it gives them a deeper sense of purpose, which is arguably why they perform so well in today’s workplace.

The downsides of too much freedom

When a woman is free to do whatever she wants at will (like many of today’s independent women), you never know exactly what you’re going to get. She could be a saint one day and a “spiritual whore” the next. It can be a like opening a box of Trix, except you are the silly rabbit who believes you’re eventually going to get that consistently purposeful woman you really hope for. Like a seesaw, such a woman is more likely to swing back and and forth without knowing where she is ultimately going to end up.

Yes, there are exceptions to the norm based on someone simply having their own morals and standards. But Christianity can minimize the risk of unpredictably when it is followed with a sincere purpose. In a world where being free and doing whatever (or whoever) you want is continuously promoted as something good, one can’t help but wonder what people who tried it all and no longer possess that freedom may think about that philosophy.

Have a mind of your own but…

It’s good to be free and have a mind of your own. But it’s better to have a purpose that’s bigger than your life, your opinions and your immediate world. All in all, it’s best to ask yourself: Would you rather have faith in something with a higher purpose and risk being wrong? Or would you rather focus mostly on your own purpose and risk not being right?

There will always be risk, but we need to decide which risks are more worthwhile. Hopefully the limited viewpoint of this article was structured well enough so that more women can grasp why it’s best to continue working on achieving a higher purpose, while remaining open-minded enough to help some men find their own.


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