Very rarely do I take notice of someone’s success specifically because they make a lot of money. But Roberto Blake’s story truly caught my attention for two main reasons: 1. He is a young, black male and 2. He has many of the same skills and experience I possess combined with a phenomenal level of intellect and ambition. As a result, I see Roberto Blake as an entrepreneur to watch.

A beacon of hope

It is not easy to be successful entrepreneur at 34, making six figures without a degree. And its even more difficult to do so when you weren’t born into excessive wealth. All in all, it’s just something always worth talking about. Surely Roberto is not the first young, black man to accomplish such a feat and surely there will be many more.

However, it’s hard to not become excited by the level of positivity that this guy just reeks of; it’s also good to see yet another young person breaking traditional models and finding tremendous success. Quite frankly, Roberto Blake continues to add to the beacon of hope that is needed more than ever for young people today.

Stop selling yourself short

To get it out of the way, yes I did mention that Roberto Blake was black. But the reason behind this is simple. Too many people continue to make excuses for not finding the level of success they dream of. You would tell someone they can become successful by taking proven steps and immediately they would doubt that it’s possible.

You would show them a million success stories; you would mention people like Bill Gates or JK Rowling and immediately they think, yeah but they’re not black. This happens far too much for my liking and it’s about time more people (regardless of skin colour or race) stop selling themselves short. Just like Roberto Blake, they only need to remember two words: IT’S POSSIBLE.

Roberto Blake’s backstory

Many would agree that to be black, broke, uneducated and not have the looks of a super model is perhaps the worse combination of standard attributes anyone can possess. Yet, Roberto Blake at one point possessed all of the above and still made it a level that the majority of the population may never attain.

What I appreciated most about his background is not so much that it is a “rags to riches” story. It is a story about one young man recognizing from an early age that he was at numerous disadvantages. But he knew he needed to do something about it, despite what everyone else thought.

He went to community college and disagreed with some opinions of his lecturers; he worked his butt off at a local mall to pay for college. And he spent several thousands of hours for years just building a foundation for himself. He’s now a known public speaker and Youtube star to say the least.

He deserves the utmost respect

Again, once the average person hears about a grand story like Roberto’s, immediately they start to focus on the negatives. Or they prefer to remain comfortable chasing what they believe is normal. Had Roberto done the same, he probably would have still been working at a local mall. He would have still been making minimum wage and trying to pay back six figures in tuition fees. And this would’ve been for a degree he may have had to beg employers to grant an opportunity to use.

More people would continue to only dream of being as successful as Roberto Blake not because they don’t have what it takes, but they do not want to do what it takes. For this reason, Roberto has my utmost respect.

Embracing success

Many people will forever continue to hope to win the lotto or hope that their boss gives them a race. Roberto, however, will continue to show people the endless advantages that come with being an entrepreneur. And the freedom that can be obtained with relentless perseverance and a drive that few will ever acquire.

Based on Roberto simply, choosing to work extremely hard for years (for free AND without a degree) by the age of 34 he was already richer than most of the population. If that doesn’t give you something to think about, nothing else probably will. Either way, the world should not be jealous of this man’s success but should instead embrace it.

If you want to find out more about Roberto Blake, just check out his website at


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