Sin is specified as an act considered to be a transgression against divine law while a Sinner is a person who commits sin. The latter statement is ridiculously simple to comprehend but what isn’t is the way how both can be perceived or viewed by a wider society. As such, we will always have a contest of Sin versus Sinners.

Clarifying sin

Most people, whether they believe in divine power or not, hear the word sin and ultimately see it as a bad thing. Some may not even believe in the concept of sin but would still be quite aware that it’s something that’s going to generally be seen as bad. On the other hand, these same people may hear the word sinner and also believe it to be something that’s bad. However, they may subliminally conceptualize that the act of sinning is worse than an actual sinner.

Now, the reasons for this may vary but a most obvious possibility comes to mind. Sin, as a transgression, is an inarguable offense; sin is definite. Conversely, a sinner as someone who sins, is an offender that is likely to be in transition; a sinner is therefore indefinite. As such, the word sinner may be seen as less offensive than sin because there is a potential window of opportunity for a sinner to change. Essentially there is still hope! But how accurate is this?

Claiming sin

Time after time again you would hear people say things like, “I know I’m not perfect. I’m a sinner” or “Don’t judge me because I sin differently from you.” These all sound fair on paper until you properly grasp what some people might really be saying. “I’m human so don’t expect me not to sin” pretty much sums it up. Wow! Two negatives in a sentenceWhat a way to be positive! Again, the aforementioned line about sin also sounds fair theoretically. In actuality, however, what many fail to realize is that it’s very possible (though extremely difficult) to live as a human being and not commit sin.

Reducing sin

The first step is to stop seeing yourself as a mere human and to instead dream that you can be a demigod. When someone desires to obtain a degree to increase their career prospects, they make the extra effort to study all course material as best as possible. Should someone desire to become a millionaire they suddenly find the drive to work 28 hours a day—yes 28!. And they do this, just to ensure that they make it happen.

Yet, when it comes being a stronger individual with better morals, things appear more difficult. Somehow the motivation to maintain that goal seems less pressing to many. The rewards for the most part, on the surface seem, either too little, nonexistent or too far out of reach. After all, how much good does a person really have to do and upkeep just to increase their chances to go to Heaven?

So then let’s not make it about Heaven. Let’s make it about the fact that you are a human whose actions can shape your own destiny. Furthermore, if you wish to accomplish anything outstandingly great in this world you need to stop making lazy excuses for your bad choices or living in sin.

Freedom from sin

To sin might be one thing; but to sin while knowing or feeling that you’re sinning is another thing. You can’t sleep with a prostitute today, feel good about it and then joyfully rejoice about God tomorrow. You can’t repeatedly treat someone like trash then tell them you’re sorry each time just because you admit you are a sinner. If you do any of the above, you’re really just fooling and conflicting yourself. So is the sinner worse than the sin? That depends. How badly do you wish for change?

Once you start seeing every glass as being half full and being more mindful that you can fulfill a much higher purpose in life, you will find that the answer to the question is irrelevant. You suddenly start worrying less about sin and focusing more on what you need to do to become a better human.


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