This is not a bucket list containing fun and whimsical things that everyone should do because “You Only Live Once”. These are for those soul-searching souls who have a strong desire to unlock the best version of themselves. Because they know that life is too short to waste it only on fleeting things. Below are 10 things you should really do before you die.

#10. Find your faith

There’s a popular saying that you become what you think about. So if you think nothing all day you become nothing. However, if you think about everything you may attempt to become everything and still end up becoming nothing at all. Why? Because your beliefs are not centered; you lack focus.

It’s good to try to understand everything but you also need to find unwavering faith in the things you believe in, i.e., if you wish to become the person you are destined to become. But if your collective faith does not consistently lead to you contributing to a better society, be it spiritually, culturally, emotionally, financially or positively otherwise then essentially for all of your life you may have found nothing.

#9. Explore your dreams

This is not the same as finding your faith or following your dreams. After you find something worthwhile, a sensible person knows that you don’t just follow it blindly; you must explore it. Exploring what makes you happy means you will thoroughly understand and appreciate most things in life. And you will do so both for their strengths and weaknesses.

It ensures that should you decide to chase after anything it will be done with vision, valor and purpose. You will forever be able to live with the ups and downs of this consistently unpredictable and challenging life; and you will more freely embrace your dreams and be better able to navigate through reality.

#8. Face your fears

In this life there often things you may need to do that have no connection to your faith or vision. Worse, you will be very afraid of doing these things. For instance, you may be very afraid of heights; being afraid of heights in turn may result in you being afraid of traveling via air.

But in hindsight, this one fear can prevent you from ever visiting the places in the world you may need to take be able to take your life to the next level. It will prevent you from attaining your ultimate goals in life, even when it does not feel like it. Fear is the the biggest killer of dreams, freedom and success. Learn to face your biggest fears and you will find success in ways you never thought were possible.

#7. Ask for forgiveness

It is almost next to impossible to live your entire life without hurting or offending anyone through your own misdeeds. Asking for forgiveness can take a lot out of you at times but is definitely worth it. Firstly, it shows strength of character and that you recognize where you went went wrong; it proves that you are willing to own up to your mistakes.

Essentially it increases your level of humility and decreases your arrogance. But most importantly, it gives you peace of mind and helps you to not get carried away with your sense of self importance. Even if you are not forgiven after asking for forgiveness you get to continue living your life knowing that he best has always been all you’ve tried.

#6. Help someone in a big way

Many would agree that there’s unparalleled joy in giving. Some people are naturally givers and would spend all of their lives giving to others—sometimes maybe even too much. Additionally, the word “big” may be subjective and so it can be a challenge to define what it really means to give (or help) someone in a meaningful way.

The easiest way to to confirm that you’re helped someone in a big way is when it costs you something that hurts. Giving someone $100 when you’re a billionaire does not hurt. Buying clothes for a naked, homeless man that costs $95 when you only have $100 in your pocket hurts much more; but it hurts even more if you spend the $95 to buy the clothes, clothe the man yourself, get him something to eat with the remaining $5 then you walk 50 miles back home.

Helping on this level allows you to truly appreciate what you have and not take life and people for granted. Because one day you can be on top of the world and the next you can be homeless and butt naked.

#5. Have Sex / Make Love

This is probably the number one thing on the list to do for many people: To have sex/make love every day till they die; it’s understandable because there is arguably no other physical feeling in the world that’s more powerful.

But while the sex can be monstrously good, if you are one of the lucky few who receive an emotional—and hopefully—spiritual connection with the one you have sex with you can experience moments in time that are quite transcending. It’s at that point that you move from love being a feeling to it being a movement. It will be a movement of your entire soul that you just cannot completely explain.

#4. Forgive and forget

It is possible to go through your entire life holding grudges. But in retrospect, holding onto ill feelings do nothing for you. As the saying goes, keeping negative emotions bottled up is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die. You must come to terms the reality that in this life, just as you may hurt people, people will hurt you.

Even if you hurt them and apologize and they don’t it’s always best to process your feelings as soon as possible then move on. Make forgiveness more about you and less about the other person; there will naturally come a point where you just forget why you had something against them in the first place. It’s a small price to pay for mental freedom.

#3. Be someone else

While being someone else instantly contradicts with the popular ideology that the only way to be happy is to be true to yourself, there is some logic in the potential madness. We spend endless years of lives existing, being comforted and molded by our own thoughts, circumstances and experiences.

The result of all of this is the version of you that is reading this article at the moment; with this said, your present is only a reality because of how you treated with the past. Throughout your life you may have always done the best you could. But it’s highly likely that your best may was never good enough to lead you to become the best of everything … unless you happen to be a God.

“Being someone else” is not to be taken literally. It just means that no matter who you are today it’s worth considering sometimes handling situations in the present differently from how you usually would. Maybe you are an introvert and don’t like people; try striking up some conversations with strangers. Or maybe you always hated sports and hate talking about it; try pretending you are a sports fanatic and watching a game with some friends sometimes.

There is beauty in “living your life as someone else” when you already know who you are; if you don’t like your new experiences you can revert to the original version of yourself anytime you like. But there will always be the chance that you end up liking some positive parts of “that other person” even more.

2. Live / Make every second count

There is always a difference between living and existing. When you exist you never truly feel alive. Living on the other hand, makes you feel ecstatic when you wake up each morning. While many people would attribute the feeling to having dreams and purpose these are only parts of the reason.

Happiness may indeed start with you but before then it starts with some of the smaller and simplest things in life. Be grateful for the sun and thankful for your health, be thankful that each second of each day is an opportunity do something more positive or new. Only then can you find true meaning in life.

#1, Leave your name / Create a legacy

The idea of having children and leaving your name behind is the height of the average person’s dreams. But what exactly would be leaving behind? First of all, it must be made clear that what you leave behind must start with YOU and not your children.

Money, fame and status are actually secondary things that should be passed on. Your name or legacy doesn’t necessarily have to be about all the grand things you accomplished in the world. It can simply be about your morals, ethics, values and standards—actually it should be!

When people hear your name, it should resonate in the minds of many and instantly earn their respect. If your name is incapable of doing that without a career or money it is quite possible you have lived your entire life wrong. As the legendary Mahatma Gandhi said, you must be the change you need to see in the world.


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